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Why Your Yard Might Be Struggling

Struggling yard

Our pressure washing business provides maintenance care for lawns as well which is why we understand how difficult it can get when caring for your yard. When managing a lawn, there are a lot of factors to consider. It's important to remember that plants are very much alive and as such are sensitive to changes in the environment and soil. A plant that thrives in one location may fare quite differently in another.

What Type of Grass Do You Have?

In regards to your yard, the most obvious concern would be your grass. IF your grass isn't doing well, it's important to consider what kind of grass is growing in your yard. Believe it or not, there are a wide variety of grasses used for lawns and all have different requirements for maintaining a healthy green lawn. When you find out the type of grass you have, see what it needs to be healthy.

Sometimes it can be as simple as not having enough sunlight, sometimes it doesn't belong in that climate. Knowing is half the battle when it comes to lawn care, if you know what your grass wants, you'll know how to appease it.

What Type of Soil Do You Have?

Regardless of what you're trying to plant, knowing your soil is key to knowing what plants are going to make it and what plants won't. When working on yard care, if you are considering planting or enhancing your yard in any way, consider what kind of soil you have.

Find our pH level, consider whether the density is hard or soft, and how moist is the soil usually? All these factors contribute to a plant's survival and should be understood. For example, a plant will sprout quickly when planted in the sand, but with die quickly because there are no nutrients to draw from the sand. The same may be the case for your soil depending on the plant.

Adjusting the Soil

Diluted ammonia is a common fertilizer used by farmers to grow large crops quickly, however, this will also alter the grounds' acidity level. Certain plants require a high acidity level to live, for other plants it just kills them. When trying to change the soil composition, it may be best to consult an experienced gardener directly and see what they say.

Irrigation and Weather

Are your plants getting enough water or too much water? Does the water from the sprinklers spray mineral saturated water or too high pH for the plants? Unless you're dealing with more robust plants, having the wrong amount of water can mean death. Too little and the plant dies of thirst, too much and it easily drowns.

It's also important to take the weather of your area into consideration. You might change the soil all you want, but if the weather isn't suitable, the plant can't thrive.

Mowing and Yard Maintenance

Maintaining a simple yard can be difficult, but it can quickly get complicated if you're looking to add a variety of decorative plants to your yard. Always plan ahead and do some research on what you want and what's feasible before trying to bring in new plants.

If you need any assistance or advice regarding lawn mowing and maintenance work, give us a call and we'll be happy to answer any questions you have. Call to get a free quote and to schedule your pressure washing or maintenance service today.


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